The Asian Modelica Conference 2020 is converted to virtual conference considering the current COVID-19 infection status at Tokyo. The conference date is the same as before, October 8–9, 2020. It is organized by Modelon K.K. in cooperation with Modelica Users Group Japan and Modelica Association.
The Modelica Conference is the main event for users, library developers, tool vendors and language designers to share their knowledge and learn about the latest scientific and industrial progress related to all of the system simulation standards developed and maintained by the Modelica Association, in particular Modelica, the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI), the System Structure and Parameterization (SSP) standard and the The Distributed Co-simulation Protocol (DCP) standard.
The program will cover modeling of complex physical and cyber-physical systems, as well as tools, for a wide range of research and industrial applications. More details about the virtual conference platform will be available soon.
We are looking forward to seeing you online.
Dr. Rui Gao and Dr. Yutaka Hirano
General Chair (Modelon) and Program Chair (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Papers and extended abstracts for presentations can be submitted via the EasyChair conference management system:
EasyChair AsianModelicaConference 2020
There, you can also read your reviews and hand in the final paper after the reviewing process has taken place. In order to submit a paper, you need to have an EasyChair account. Simply follow the provided instructions to create an account. The same account can be used for several conferences over several years. Once you have logged in, please choose option “enter as an author”. You can download the submission templates through easychair or here (abstract, paper), or upload your contribution in the section: “New submissions”. Simply follow the instructions.
The paper submission form includes the option to mark suitable topics for your paper. Please use this feature since it helps us to find suitable reviewers for your paper. Furthermore, there is the option to attach a .zip file to your paper. In this way, you can provide example models that correspond to your paper.
The conference proceedings will be published by the Modelica Association on its website and by Linköping University Electronic Press. Each paper will be individually referenced by a DOI.
The Modelica conference will bring together people using any of the Modelica Association standards for modeling, simulation, and control applications, Modelica language designers, Modelica and/or FMI tool vendors and Modelica library developers. It provides Modelica users the opportunity to stay informed about the latest standards, library, and tool developments, and to get in touch with people working on similar modeling problems. The conference will cover topics such as the following:
Multi-engineering modeling and simulation with Modelica
Free and commercial Modelica libraries (mechanics, electrical, hydraulics, thermal, fluid, media, chemical, building, automotive, aircraft, …)
Automotive applications
Thermodynamic and energy systems applications
Mechatronics and robotics applications
Other industrial applications, such as electric drives, power systems, aerospace, etc.
Real-time and hardware-in-the-loop simulation
Simulation and code generation for embedded control systems
Applications of Modelica for optimization and optimal control
Modelica modeling, simulation and design tools
Symbolic algorithms and numerical methods for model transformation and simulation
New features for future Modelica versions
Modelica in other application areas (mathematical programming, databases etc.)
Modelica for teaching and education
New features of future FMI versions
FMI in Modelica and non-Modelica applications and tools
Tools and applications using the SSP standard
Tool and applications using the DCP standard
Digital Twins based on MA technologies
In addition, the conference will include Vendors’ exhibition.
To support the conference, and to get an opportunity to expose their Modelica- and/or FMI-related products and services, vendors will have the opportunity to sponsor the event and to participate in the exhibition. The sponsorship and exhibition will be avialable at the virtual conference as well.
A decision about the acceptance of sponsors and exhibitors will be based upon Modelica/FMI relevance of products and/or services at the time of application submission.
February 16, 2020 Submission of extended abstract (if full paper is submitted, abstract can be skipped)
March 1, 2020 Submission of full paper (extended)
March 22, 2020 Notification of acceptance for papers
August 7, 2020 Submission of final papers
August 25, 2020 Switching to virtual conference
Virtual conference is free and there is no limitation to the participant number. Registration is still needed and will be available with free ticket through Eventbrite.
Virtual conference is managed using Whova. The participants who registered at Eventbrite will receive an email from Whova one day later to activate your Whova account. The official conference web link works for any browser. Please look at instructions (video and text) for Whova on your phone or as web-app to find the best option for you.
The conference is organized by Modelon K.K. in corporation with Modelica Users Group Japan and Modelica Association. For more information and application, please contact the organizer.
Dr. Rui Gao, Modelon K.K., Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Yutaka Hirano, Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development, Inc., Japan
Dr. Hilding Elmqvist, Mogram, Lund, Sweden
Prof. Peter Fritzson, Linköping University, Sweden
Prof. Martin Otter, DLR, Germany
Dr. Michael Tiller, Xogeny, Michigan, USA
Dr. Hubertus Tummescheit, Modelon Inc. USA
Dr. Rui Gao, Modelon K.K., Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Yutaka Hirano, Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development, Inc., Japan